Gen 1: Chapter 6



(clumsy, evil)
(virtuoso, insane)

We have twin baby girls! Labor was rough from what I can remember, maybe it was on the girls too? I don’t know why else they would be evil or insane…really, I did absolutely everything I was supposed to during my pregnancy. As far as I know, there is no evilness in the family but somehow Lucius and sweet, innocent Mariah are evil. Maybe one of parents was? I’ll probably never know now..

When Leighton and I brought the girls home, Analeigh came running to the door.

You have two little sisters that you can play with now Analeigh honey!

Oh, does that mean I have to share a room with them?

Well yes, we stopped and bought another crib so you three can sleep comfortably in one room.

I dunno Mom…

We kind of figured that Analeigh would be undecided about having a new baby. Her mind is full of cogs that are always turning, she’d thought of too many things that could go wrong, especially since she inherited the light sleeper trait on her last birthday. So we may have purchased her a little gift while we were out getting the crib. It wasn’t a bribe of any kind, I promise! It was just a little something to tell her that she was still our baby girl even though there were 2 new little ones.

So now we have a girl’s room and a boy’s room. Good thing Leighton is still working during all this maternity leave that I have…because his son Sam may want a room of his own very soon.

Sam finally mustered the courage to go over tot he Killians and tell Rosie just how he felt about her. Funnily enough, he told me that she was the one to confess her attraction before he even had a chance.I think he was pleasantly surprised.  He, however, was the one to go in for the first kiss. I’m soo happy that Sam has found love!

There always seems to be a birthday coming up in our house. It was time for Lucius to grow up. We invited his best friend Blaine and Grandma Yumi over for a very small party.

During the transformation, I was soo afraid that something had gone HORRIBLY wrong!
On the contrary, Grandma Yumi thought it was just freaking hilarious.

Really Yumi? Sheesh. Thank goodness Lucius completed the transformation… proportionately.

He rolled the brave trait like Leighton has, but he really really looks like Gage. I left a message for Gage that it was his son’s birthday, but he didn’t show. How could you abandon your own child? I mean I guess that I shut him out when we showed up at the hospital for the birth…but I’m tryign to give him a chance now! The word on the street is that he has a son with his new girlfriend, and takes care of them both. Maybe Lucius could have a relationship with his half brother?

Analeigh had been right to worry about sharing a room with the twins…

I found her one morning sleeping in Lucius’s bed while she was supposed to be at school. I felt so bad for her that I didn’t wake her. She’s so smart that missing a morning of school won’t hurt her grades, we weren’t mad at all. This won’t be a daily occurence though, and to ensure that I think we need another remodel.

I fear that there are more birthdays coming up…and one of them is mine. I don’t think I’m ready to look like a Granny. In fact, I know that I’m not ready. I’ve got two little babies! What the heck did I do wrong?

>> Gen 1: Chapter 7

10 responses to “Gen 1: Chapter 6

  1. Ah! Twins all around!! Congrats! Lucius is handsome! Another great chapter!

  2. Aww, poor Gia! She’ll just have to pretend she’s in the Rolling Stones, or that she’s Madonna.

  3. Ah! I love the transition pic where Lucius is deformed 🙂
    You are so lucky to get twins, I’m still waiting for them in my game.
    Your story is really fun to read, I look forward to the next installment.

  4. That deformed Lucius picture is hilarious!! And Yumi laughing!! And awww, Sam and Rosie ^_^

    I love the way you lay out your legacy, its just really nice to look at!

  5. Maybe she can think of herself as Cher or Tina Turner?

    I love the “I dunno, Mom” picture!

  6. Congrats on the twins! Lucius is really handsome! Also I love the I dunno picture!

  7. LOL I love the deformed picture. That happened in my game once with a toddler.

  8. Woah! You’ve got some great pics here. Lucius is turned onto a very handsome teen. Can’t wait to see Annaleigh grow up *hits the next button*

  9. Twins! So cute. Did you use the fertility treatment lifetime reward? I really love the way you set up your pictures. Now to keep reading.,,

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